

Molecular Genetics home : Molecular Genetics Overview

Topics item links to detailed topic links: abiogenesis : adhesion molecules : algorithms of evolution : archaea : bacteria : biopoiesis : cell biology : chromosomes : Cyanobacteria : damage/repair DNA : decay : degradation : development : diagrams : energy : enzymes, specific enzymes : eukaryotes : evo-devo : evolution, evolution : genome : mechanisms of evolution : metabolism : molecular genetics : mutation : origin of life : organics : paleogeology : photosynthesis : phylogeny : processing RNA : prokaryotes : protein, specific proteins : refuting id : regulation : replication : repair/damage DNA : research : RNA : RNA processing : serial endosymbiosis theory : signaling : splicing : stromatolites : tables : taxonomy : transcription : translation :

A ~ activator ~ adhesion molecules ~ alternative splicing ~ allele ~ ATPases ~ B ~ base ~ base excision repair ~C ~ cadherins ~ capping ~ cellular stress response ~ chromosome ~ cis versus trans-acting factors ~ codon ~ cyclin-dependent kinases ~ cytokines ~ D ~ decay ~ DNA ~ DNA damage by ROS ~ DNA repair ~ DNA polymerases ~ DNA ligase ~ DNA mutation and alkylation ~ double strand breaks ~E ~ enhancer ~ epigenetics ~ exon ~ G ~ genes ~ gene regulation ~ genome ~ targetted genetic repair ~ growth factors ~ H ~ helicases ~ heterochromatin ~ hnRNP ~ I ~ immunoglobulins ~ insulator ~ integrins ~ intron ~ internal ribosomal entry site ~ M ~ mRNA ~ miRNAs ~ mismatch repairmolecular switches ~ N ~ nonsense-mediated decay ~ nonstop decay ~ nuclear speckles ~ nucleic acids ~ nucleosome ~ nucleotide ~ nucleotide excision repair ~ O ~ Okazaki fragments ~ open reading frame ~ oxidative stress and DNA damage ~ oxoG repair ~ P ~ PIPs ~ polyadenylation ~ preinitiation complex ~ pre-mRNA ~ pre-mRNA splicing ~ promoters ~ proteome ~ R ~ receptor tyrosine kinases ~ regulatory proteins ~ replication ~ repressor ~ response elements ~ retrotransposons ~ restriction enzmes ~ reverse transcriptase ~ Rho GTPase ~ ribosomes ~ ribosomal structure ~ ribosome shunting ~ ribozymes ~ ribozymes in repair of RNA and DNA ~ RNA ~ RNA polymerase ~ RNA processing ~ rRNAs ~ S ~ second messengers ~ selectins ~ self-splicing ~ serine/threonine kinases ~ silencers ~ snoRNAs ~ splice-site ~ spliceosome ~ SSOs ~ transcription ~ transcription factors ~ transcription initiation ~ termination of transcription ~ transposable elements ~ trans-splicing ribozymes and therapeutics ~ translation ~ tRNA ~ U ~ ubiquitin ~ zinc fingers ~ Research techniques ~

BIOCHEMISTRY ~ Biochemistry overview ~ amines ~ amino acids : acidic amino acids : acidic and basic amino acids : basic amino acids : polar amino acids : non-polar amino acids ~ adenine cytosine guanine thymine uracil ~ amphipathic ~ Cofactors, Coenzymes, Intermediates~ cofactor ~ enzyme ~ heterocyclic ~ hormones ~ hydrogen bond ~ hydrophilic ~ hydrophobic ~ neurotransmitters ~ peptide ~ polypeptide ~ phospolipid ~ proteins ~ thermochemistry ~ zinc fingers ~ Horizontal Genomics: Mobile genetic elements: the agents of open source evolution.

~ Item links ~ ~ adhesion items ~ chromosome items ~ damage repair items ~ decay items ~ enzymes items ~ energy items ~ evolution items ~ genome items ~ protein items ~ RNA processing items ~ regulation items ~ RNA items ~ replication items ~ research items ~ signaling items ~ transcription items ~ splicing items ~ translation items ~

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